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Corporate Wellness

Business Benefits

Corporate Wellness Programs

Prioritizing employee health and well-being is vital for a successful workplace! In fact, when you invest into your employees, you will have a significant return on your investment within your business.

Here's how it works

The Best Life Simplified Process

First Step

Katie, your Corporate Wellness Provider, will meet with your admin team to assess needs and identify goals. Katie will gather insurance provider benefits and establish a working relationship with them. An audit of employee risk factors will be conducted via insurance reports and internal surveys. Then, onsite biometric screenings will be scheduled onsite to establish baselines for your employees.

Next Step

Based on findings from the first step, an individualized plan is created for your company including webinars, 1 on 1 coaching for high risk employees, wellness challenges for high engagement and wellness prevention. Once approved, the entire plan is ran and managed by Best Life Simplified which relieves any internal management requirement.

Final Step

You can expect regular reporting on outcomes and participation while protecting employee personal information. Collaboration with insurance companies will proceed to develop strategies for reaching highest risk employees.

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We just need a small amount of information from you and then you will be contacted for the first step!

Return on Investment

Corporate Wellness Benefits

Avoidable Sick days Per Year
0 Million

Less sick days means more production, more goals accomplished and less time lost. Inevitably, there will be sick days, but with wellness prevention, we can decrease the avoidable sick days.

0 %

By decreasing chronic illness in your high risk employees, not only do they get a new lease on life, but your insurance savings will be noticable!

Lost Revenue Per Employee
$ 0

Decrease this average yearly revenue loss by increasing your employees wellness AND job satisfaction. Retaining clients has invaluable bottom line implications.

The Best Life Simplified Difference

Comparing Corporate Wellness Programs

Best Life Simplified

Other Options

Get Started

Fill out an Inquiry Form

We just need a small amount of information from you and then you will be contacted for the first step!